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Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts

In September 2014, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 628 (Beall), 哪项法案批准加强基础设施融资区(eifd),重新确立利用增税融资作为促进经济发展的一种方式的能力.  目前,数十个市县正在考虑建立基础设施融资强化区(Enhanced Infrastructure Financing district, EIFDs),少数市县已经完成了区级组建流程.  西萨克拉门托市在采用这一融资工具方面一直处于领先地位,并推动立法改革以完善EIFD法.


First EIFD Formed in the State2017年6月14日,西萨克拉门托市议会通过了第17-17号决议,批准了 Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Plan 加强基建融资区(计划. 1 (EIFD No. 1).  2017年6月28日,公共财政管理局(PFA)向EIFD No. 我通过了第17-2号决议和第17-2号条例,形成了加利福尼亚州的第一个EIFD. 


Description of EIFD No. 1:  EIFD No.1 consists of fourteen (14) subareas, encompassing approximately 4,144 acres, or 25% of the entire City of West Sacramento. 子区域包含不同的土地用途,从规划的滨河综合用途开发区域, to mostly built-out industrial and retail districts. 表1总结了14个分区的现有情况.

EIFD Chart 2


EIFD No. 1 Goals and Objectives  EIFD No. 1 incorporates the following goals, including:

  • 通过分配税收增量,为城市资本改善计划(CIP)提供稳定的资金来源,协助填补基础设施投资缺口。, to strategic infrastructure projects, and to other eligible EIFD uses.
  • Provide a stable source of revenue for capital investment.
  • Leverage private investment.
  • Support land assembly and environmental cleanup.
  • Leverage outside funds, such as federal/state grants.
  • 与其他地区财政收入一起使用, 例如成立社区设施区和效益评估区.
  • 支持现有房地产资产的适应性重用和创造性重用.
  • 吸引私人投资,否则就不会发生.
  • 支持对整个社区或地区有益的项目.


Projects funded from EIFD No. 1将与城市通过的2035总体规划(GP 2035)保持一致,该规划为城市未来的发展和变化提供了一个愿景. The expenditure of EIFD No. 1 .收入将通过资助符合《海洋之神官方网站》所述原则的执行行动,为整个社区带来好处, including land use, urban structure and design, housing, economic development, mobility, public facilities and services, parks and recreation, natural and cultural resources, safety, and a healthy community. 为了实施GP 2035,预计EIFD编号. 1 .支出将用于在执行下列方面对整个社区有益的项目:

  • Master Plans
  • Specific Plans
  • 基本建设项目(包括本市的5年基本建设改善计划预算)
  • Development Agreements
  • Development projects


该计划确定了该地区停止存在的日期  Pursuant to Government Code 53398.63 et. seq., EIFD的最长期限为45年,自债券发行获批之日起计. In addition, 期限可能为45年,从伦敦金融城批准向EIFD提供贷款之日起算(这是预料之外的行动)。.


该计划确定了“未考虑”但经EIFD法规授权的行动  In cases where the statues allow certain activities, 但工作人员认为,目前预计不会有这样的活动, it will be noted in the Plan. 这些未考虑到的活动包括:

  • Removal of housing units
  • Commitment of Vehicle License Fee revenue to the EIFD
  • Commitment of the City’s “pass through” portion (10.现时存入普通基金的每项增税金额的2%)
  • City loans to the EIFD


该计划假定随后将获得选民批准(55%门槛),以授权发行债券债务  该计划提到市议会打算在未来采取这一行动,以便建立长期债务. 投票将需要55%的合格选民同意, 哪一个是基于该地区的登记选民.


The Plan anticipates Future Development in EIFD No.1 and Subareas  The subareas vary with respect to: 1) the perceived capacity for new development; 2) future land uses; and 3) the anticipated time frame for new development. The opportunities are summarized in Table 2 below. As shown, the subareas have been grouped into three categories, 反映新发展项目的预期开始时间. The first group includes subareas with known, anticipated near term development projects, which are scheduled to commence within the next 5 years. 在“近期”发展类别中有五(5)个子区域, 在“较长期”发展范畴内的四(4)个子区域,预计在未来10年以上不会开始新的发展, 以及另外四个没有确定具体发展项目的项目范围. “较长期”范畴内的发展机会通常受到需要新的基础设施或取消重工业用途的限制. For example, 在大型储油罐被拆除之前,先锋崖分区的大部分地区将无法重新开发. 至于没有任何确定的具体发展项目的分区, 随着时间的推移,这些地区存在着填充物的机会,或者有机会进行重大的土地转换.

EIFD Chart

Goals to be Achieved by EIFD No.1-funded Facilities  In May 2012, 市议会通过了《海洋之神登录入口》,该计划为基础设施和经济发展方面的战略性公共投资制定了目标,旨在促进私人投资,改善当地经济, create new revenue for the City, and to enhance residents’ quality of life. EIFD No. 我将纳入该计划的下列目标,包括:

  • Assisting with the infrastructure investment gap, 通过分配税收增量,为该市的资本改善计划(CIP)提供稳定的资金来源, to strategic infrastructure projects, and to other eligible EIFD uses
  • Provide a stable source of revenue for capital investment
  • Leverage private investment
  • Support land assembly and environmental cleanup
  • Leverage outside funds, such as federal/state grants
  • 与其他地区财政收入一起使用, 例如成立社区设施区和效益评估区
  • 支持现有房地产资产的适应性重用和创造性重用
  • 吸引私人投资,否则就不会发生
  • 支持对整个社区或地区有益的项目